Every Sunday, the fantabulous website Multiples... And More! invites readers to contribute to the Post of The Week. Yesterday's question was "What are the 5 things all parents of multiples need?" and I figured this was a good one to answer here because while a lot of the products will be helpful for MoMs-to-be, there are also a bunch that will be great for mothers-of-singletons-to-be too.
Picking just five must haves was hard. I tried to avoid the super common ones (like the Double Snap 'N Go and a Pack and Play) and go with some things others may not have chosen. Without further ado, here's my list:
1. Two Boppy pillows
I know, I know. I said I wouldn't go with typical registry items but I don't know what we would have done without these. And yes, you do need two. We used the Boppys for naps, tummy time, feedings and so much more. Gabrielle and Alaina are 13 months old and I'm still using them daily. One piece of advice -- make sure you have two covers for each one.
2. Miracle Blankets
When Gabrielle first came home, we swaddled her in receiving blankets but it wasn't long before she busted out of those and the Swaddle Mes. Luckily, the Miracle Blankets kept both of our little escape artists tightly wrapped for months. Some people complain that they're pricey but considering how well they work and how long you'll use them, they're worth every cent.
Speaking of cents, if you order from http://www.miracleblanket.com/, you get 10% off one Miracle Blanket and 15% off two or more! Great for MoMs and moms alike!
3. Happiest Baby on the Block Book and/or DVD
Such a lifesaver! I read the book and found all of the theories interesting but I really liked watching the DVD because you could see how to actually apply Dr. Karp's steps. And they really work! I still use at least one of the 5 S's almost daily.
My girls were formula fed and this bottle warmer made our lives so much easier. It has an insulated cooler on the back that holds two bottles so we never had to wander bleary-eyed into the kitchen for middle-of-the-night feedings. Just pour some pre-measured water into the steamer, pop the bottle in and presto! You have a warm bottle in minutes. And best of all, it's smaller than a coffee-maker so it doesn't take up much room.
Great entertainment for your little ones. We had the Fisher Price Aquarium and Rain Forest versions but they all pretty much do the same thing. Once Gabrielle and Alaina figured out how to turn them on themselves, it meant less trips for me down to the nursery. Two huge thumbs up!
I could go on and on about other items I love - Sophie the Giraffe, our video monitor, the Fisher Price Healthy Care Booster Seat, etc. If you're interested in hearing about more must haves, check out the POTW at Multiples.... And More! And as always, please post a comment here and share your own!
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