
Thursday, March 31, 2011

My Five Favorite Pins This Week

Hi, I'm Danielle and I'm addicted to Pinterest.  Haven't been there yet?  It's a brilliant site where you can "pin" pictures onto virtual boards, kind of like you would on a real life inspiration or bulletin board.  The boards are a simple and visually appealing way to keep ideas, projects, inspiration, etc. all saved in one handy dandy place.  Here's a peek at what my Easter Goodies one looks like.

Plus, you can browse other people's boards to find more ideas, projects, inspiration, etc.  So as you can probably imagine, Pinterest is a cornucopia of eye candy and other such goodness which is exactly why I just can't get enough of it!

Since I find so many wonderful things on Pinterest, I've decided to share some of my favorite pins each week here on AFOMFT.  I'm going to try to limit it to five at a time but man, oh man, is it hard to pick!  Here we go:

#1: Laundry is never going to be fun so it might as well be pretty!  Decorate your washer and dryer with vinyl decals to brighten up your laundry room. {Pin via Kendra Halterman from Belle Maison}

#2: These Watermelon Cupcakes are just right for a summertime get together. {Pin via Chrissa King from My Bakingdom}

#3:  I love this idea for displaying your children's artwork - on the stair treads!  {My pin from Family Fun}

#4:  Looking for a meaningful piece of art for the nursery or playroom?  Why not create a footprint timeline like this one? {Pin via Christina Kober from First Home}

#5:  Wishful thinking. {Pin via Sami Cronin from}

So there you have my Five Favorite Pins this week.  If you'd like to check out my boards on Pinterest, you can find them HERE.  If you're already on Pinterest, I'd love to follow you so post a comment here with a link to your boards so I can check them out.  And if you're not already a member and need an invite, post your e-mail address and I'll send you one.

Happy Pinning!

Images: Belle Maison, My Bakingdom, Family Fun, First Home &


  1. great pics! I love the watermelon cupcakes...yum!

  2. I would love an invite there. I have been on the site before and I love it!

    Thank you sweetie! BTW I found you on Top Baby Blogs

  3. I would love an invite too! Thanks!

  4. Wow that's great, Talk about eye's never ending. It's hard to tear my self way from it to cook dinner.

  5. I would love an invite!

    ally crayon at hotmail dot com



Thanks for the love!