
Wednesday, November 10, 2010


Congratulations DONNA!  You've won the $75 credit to CSN Stores!  You can get a whole lot of holiday shopping done with that.

Please e-mail me at by end of day Friday, November 12th to claim your prize. If I do not hear from you by then, a new winner will be chosen.  A huge thank you to CSN Stores for
this fabulous giveaway!

And if you didn't win, don't be sad - there are plenty of other fabulous HOLIDAY HAPPENING giveaways going on!


If you're interested in being a part of the HOLIDAY HAPPENING on AFOMFT, e-mail to get in on the fun while there are still spots left!

*Please note: Blogger restarts the comment numbering on each page which is why the numbers chosen by may not match exactly with the numbers on the comments.  The first page of comments goes from 1-200, while page two starts again at 1.  The winning number was 221, so the 21st comment on page two was chosen and I personally counted each comment as well to make sure that the proper winner was chosen.

1 comment:

  1. I have my fingers crossed for Novica ;) Or anything, really. I love your blog!!


Thanks for the love!